Melasma & Pigmentation
Melasma is a common skin problem. The condition causes dark, discoloured patches on your skin. It’s also called chloasma, or the “mask of pregnancy,” when it occurs in pregnant women. The condition is much more common in women than men, though men can get it too. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 90 per cent of people who develop melasma are women. Although you can consider melasma treatment in Bhubaneswar. Brown spots on the skin, which may be Melasma, photodamage from the sun, age spots, or just dyspigmentation and freckles, can now be successfully treated with any number of methods. These spots range in colour from brown to tan to dark brown based on how much sun exposure you have had and cause your skin to look blotchy, freckled, and uneven.
And they vary in size, again depending on how much sun you have been exposed to.
Link to hormones: As hormone levels may change during events such as pregnancy or due to birth control pills, brown, uneven patches can appear on a woman’s face when the skin is exposed to the sun. It seems that sunlight triggers the pigment-producing cells in the skin to go into overdrive. Called melasma, these dark patches may persist and not improve even with bleaching creams.
We commonly treat these brown spots or patches with topical agents, chemical peels (which exfoliate the outermost layer of skin, removing the dark spots), light therapy and lasers (the energy blasts away pigment). To determine accurate treatment the patient’s skin must be examined by the dermatologist, who will advise a course of action commensurate with the extent of the condition. In this regard, you can rely on pigmentation treatment in Bhubaneswar.