What is Cyst Excision
Evan a very large cyst can be taken out through a small incision by first expressing the cyst contents and then removing the cyst wall. Following removal of the cyst the area should be well irrigated with sterile saline, following which the incision can be repaired, usually by suturing the skin in layers. Usually cyst excisions are closed easily, but it is important to eliminate any dead space with deep sutures and to close the wound without tension by undermining the adjacent skin. Depending on the cyst location, you will then return to your dermatologist in 5 days to two weeks for suture removal.
Although a sebaceous cyst is a very common growth, it can sometimes be confused with other neoplasms.
A nodule under the skin can also be a lipoma. Various developmental cysts will also present as cystic nodules. Various adnexal neoplasm can also present as nodules, as can cutaneous B-cell lymphoma, epithelioid sarcoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, and cutaneous metastases. However, when a central punctum is present and characteristic cyst-like contents expressed, the diagnosis is not much in doubt.