Acne Treatment
A skin condition that occurs when hair follicles plug with oil and dead skin cells. Acne is the most common skin problem that is occurred in teenagers and young adults, it can be caused to due to various hormonal changes and lifestyle changes that happen during adolescence. Acne develops when sebum, an oily substance that lubricates your hair and skin and dead skin cells plug hair follicles. Bacteria can trigger inflammation and infection resulting in more severe acne. This can occur anywhere on the epidermis where there are hair follicles below the surface (the sebaceous glands are attached to these follicles), including the face, back, & neck, it is stated by various dermatology in Greater Kailash. Acne afflicts adults as well as teens but is typically more common during times of high hormonal activity like adolescence.
The treatment of acne is critical and it is crucial to understand what are the essential steps to take prior to your treatment. There are a number of approaches to treating acne and the scarring it often leaves behind. There is a range of options available for treating acne, from prescription topical creams and gels to oral medicines, chemical peeling, and energy-based treatments such as laser therapy. You can also consider the best acne treatment in Greater Kailash. Diet is also a consideration in the controlling of acne and patients may benefit from Nutrition Counselling with specific advice about how to manage the condition. Of course, the first step in a treatment plan for acne is a thorough consultation with a dermatologist, whose speciality is controlling such conditions of the skin. The doctor will examine your skin, recommend the best type of therapy, which may include a combination of therapies, and work out a long-term plan for containing the condition.