

How to take care of your skin at home?

Before you get into how to take care of your skin at home or the millennial lingo “Skin DIYs”, you should understand why is it even important. You should first learn about the significance of skincare before following a skincare routine. Unless you understand why is it crucial for your skin, what are the possible aftermaths if you are careless regarding your skincare, and what are the do’s and don’ts? It is also advised by many skin doctors in Bhubaneswar. Good skin care is necessary for the following reasons -

It helps your skin stay in good condition
You’re shedding skin cells throughout the day, so it’s important to keep your skin glowing and in good condition. An effective routine can help prevent acne, treat wrinkles, and help keep your skin looking its best.

Your skin will look more youthful:
As you age, your skin’s cells turn over more slowly, making it look duller and less radiant. Using a quality skincare line can help remove dead skin cells so your body will replace them with newer, more youthful cells.

Prevention is better than cure
Preventing skin problems is easier and less costly – than trying to fix them in the future. Dermatology in Bhubaneswar considers this a very crucial step in skincare.

Your self-confidence will get a boost:
When your skin looks better, you’ll feel better about yourself and have more self-confidence.

What are the DIY skincare tips?
You dont need to worry if you cannot manage time from your routine to take care of your skin. It is alright because we understand skincare is time-taking and tedious. Dermato surgery in Bhubaneswar also considers these DIYs. Nevertheless, you can now sit back and relax as we have sorted it all out for you with the easy home skincare routine which is not time-consuming at all and where you can Do-It-Yourself (DIY) at home smoothly. The following are some tips that can elevate your skincare routine journey effortlessly -

Avoid direct contact with sunlight
When you come in direct contact with the sun it can overly ruin your skin and cause multiple skin damage because sunlight consists of harmful UV rays which are not suitable for your gentle skin. A lifetime of sun exposure can induce enough hurt to your skin like sunburns, dark spots, wrinkles, pigmentation etc. It can even lead to skin cancer and increase the chances to catch it. Although there are some basic measures which can prevent your skin from the sun like never missing to apply sunscreen before stepping out, covering your face with a scarf and shades, avoiding the sun between 12 noon to 4 eves, and wearing protective clothing that does not absorb sunlight quickly for e.g. black clothes.

Quit smoking
When you smoke it narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin, which reduces blood flow and makes the skin more faded. This also weakens the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health. Smoking can kill the gentleness of your skin and destroy your youthfulness completely. It can destroy your elastin and collagen which are very essential fibres in the skin that helps in strengthening and rejuvenating it. Alongside, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke can contribute to wrinkles. Additionally, it can increase the chances of squamous cell skin cancer. So, you should quit smoking to prevent your skin from all these side effects of smoking. It might not be easy in the first place but you will eventually.

Ingest wholesome meal
Food is the root cause of many diseases today and it is also responsible for hair fall. You need to be mindful about what are you consuming as it will affect your hair growth and an extreme amount of junk food can cause hair fall. It is really important to intake healthy food which is rich in minerals, vitamins, iron and calcium. This will promote blood circulation and hair growth. When you consume a healthy diet it will escalate your overall health and prevent your skin from catching any skin diseases. It will keep it fruitful and youthful by increasing its longevity of it.

Gentle treatment
Treating your skin gently is no rocket science, you just need to be aware of a few factors. The few things you should do on a daily basis are - cleansing your face twice, in the morning and before sleep, restrict your bath time meaning you should not spend much time in water because takes away all the oils from your skin, avoid strongly scented soaps use gentle mild cleansers, instead, shave your skin and intimate area deliberately, and always keep your skin moisturised. These simple steps can make a world of a difference in your skin which you will notice after some time of following them. Also, whenever you are applying makeup make sure that you remove it before going to bed, cleanse, scrub and pack should be applied. This cannot be taken for granted because makeup staying all night on your skin will destroy it.

Managed mental health
The interesting fact is that you can break into extreme acne, pimples, and various skin problems. Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive which will lead to high maintenance, costly medication etc, get enough sleep, set reasonable limits, scale back your to-do list and make time to do the things you enjoy. The results might be more dramatic than you expect but you should try to be free from the mind.
